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Sinus Lifting and Bone Grafting

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Dental implants are a reliable and long-lasting solution for replacing missing teeth. However, their placement requires sufficient jawbone volume and density. In scenarios where the maxillary sinus, the air-filled cavity above the upper jaw, is too close to the jawbone, or the jawbone has resorbed due to tooth loss or other factors, sinus lifting and bone grafting procedures become necessary. These techniques aim to create a suitable foundation for successful dental implant placement. Understanding the indications, procedures, and benefits of these procedures empowers dental professionals to offer comprehensive treatment plans for patients seeking implant-supported restorations.

100% Guaranteed Treatment

Sinus Lifting and Bone Grafting

Online Oral Health Consultancy
Panoramic x-ray
4 Star Hotel reservation
Transfer Services

Dental implants are a reliable and long-lasting solution for replacing missing teeth. However, their placement requires sufficient jawbone volume and density. In scenarios where the maxillary sinus, the air-filled cavity above the upper jaw, is too close to the jawbone, or the jawbone has resorbed due to tooth loss or other factors, sinus lifting and bone grafting procedures become necessary. These techniques aim to create a suitable foundation for successful dental implant placement. Understanding the indications, procedures, and benefits of these procedures empowers dental professionals to offer comprehensive treatment plans for patients seeking implant-supported restorations.

Sinus Lifting


Sinus lifting is a surgical procedure that increases the vertical bone height between the floor of the maxillary sinus and the alveolar ridge, the bony ridge holding the teeth in the upper jaw. This additional space allows for stable implant placement without compromising the integrity of the sinus membrane.

When is Sinus Lifting Necessary?

Sinus lifting is typically recommended in the following situations:

  • Insufficient bone height: When the remaining bone in the upper jaw is not high enough to accommodate the length of the implant.
  • Pneumatic sinus: A large, air-filled maxillary sinus can encroach upon the jawbone, impacting implant placement.
  • Resorption of alveolar ridge: Bone loss following tooth extraction can lead to a decrease in jawbone height, requiring additional support for implants.
When is Bone Grafting Necessary?

Bone grafting can be necessary in various scenarios, including:

  • Alveolar ridge atrophy: Significant bone loss following tooth extraction, impacting implant placement.
  • Ridge deficiency: Lack of sufficient bone width to achieve optimal implant stability.
  • Implant site defects: Addressing bone defects at the implant site to ensure proper placement and stability.
Sinus Lifting and Bone Grafting: Combined Procedures

In some cases, both sinus lifting and bone grafting may be needed to achieve optimal conditions for implant placement. This combined approach involves performing a sinus lift to create vertical space followed by bone grafting to augment the horizontal volume of the jawbone.


Sinus lifting and bone grafting play crucial roles in ensuring the success of dental implant treatment in situations with insufficient bone volume or density. Understanding these procedures empowers dental professionals to offer comprehensive care plans and improve patient outcomes.

Cleopatra Smile is a professional dental clinic located in Antalya, Turkey. We offer high-quality dental care at affordable prices. Our team of experienced dentists is dedicated to providing you with the best possible care. We offer a wide range of dental services, including sinus lifting, bone grafting, dental implants, and more.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about our services.

We offer:

  • Free airport transfer for patients coming from abroad
  • 4-star hotel accommodation
  • X-rays and online consultancy
  • 50% cheaper treatment fees and treatment process compared to other countries

Our clinic is:

  • Located in the heart of Antalya
  • Easily accessible by public transportation
  • Equipped with the latest dental technology
  • Staffed by a team of experienced and friendly dentists

We are committed to providing you with the best possible dental care experience.

Types of Sinus Lifting Procedures

  1. Open Sinus Lift: This is a more invasive approach, involving a lateral window approach through the jawbone to access the sinus membrane. The membrane is then carefully lifted and held in place with biocompatible materials, allowing new bone formation in the created space.
  2. Closed Sinus Lift: This minimally invasive technique utilizes a small osteotome, a surgical tool, to elevate the sinus membrane while creating space for bone grafting material below it.

Bone Grafting


Bone grafting is a surgical procedure that utilizes various materials to stimulate bone growth and augment the existing jawbone volume. This creates a stronger foundation for dental implants and improves their long-term success rate.

Types of Bone Graft Materials
  • Autogenous bone graft: This involves harvesting bone from another area of the patient’s body, typically the chin, lower jaw, or hip. While offering optimal biocompatibility, it requires an additional surgical site.
  • Allogeneic bone graft: This uses bone tissue obtained from a human donor bank, offering a readily available option.
  • Xenograft: This utilizes bone tissue derived from animals, such as cows or pigs. It eliminates the need for a second surgical site but may have lower biocompatibility compared to autogenous grafts.
  • Alloplasts: Synthetic bone substitutes made from biocompatible materials can be used in specific situations.
Benefits of Sinus Lifting and Bone Grafting
  • Enables implant placement: Creates a suitable foundation for successful dental implant placement in cases with limited bone availability.
  • Improves implant success rate: Provides adequate bone support for long-term implant stability and function.
  • Enhances facial aesthetics: Prevents facial collapse and sunken appearance associated with bone loss.
  • Restores oral function: Allows patients to regain full chewing and speaking abilities.


Find the answer To your question

What are the risks associated with sinus lifting and bone grafting?
While generally safe, potential risks associated with these procedures include: Sinus membrane perforation: Accidental tearing of the sinus membrane during surgery. Infection: As with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of infection. Bleeding: Bleeding during or after the procedure. Nerve damage: Risk of damage to nerves in the jawbone, causing temporary or permanent numbness or tingling. Graft failure: The bone graft may not successfully integrate with the existing bone, leading to implant failure. Pain and discomfort: Some pain and discomfort are expected after the procedure, but this can be managed with medication.
What is the recovery time after sinus lifting and bone grafting?
The recovery time varies depending on the individual and the extent of the procedure. In general, patients can expect: Swelling: Swelling around the eyes, cheeks, and nose for a few days to weeks. Pain: Some pain and discomfort for a few days, managed with medication. Limited jaw movement: Some restrictions on jaw movement for a few days. Stitches: Stitches may be used to close the surgical site, which will need to be removed after a week or two. Diet restrictions: Soft foods and avoiding chewing on the treated side for a few weeks.
What are the alternatives to sinus lifting and bone grafting?
Alternatives to sinus lifting and bone grafting include: Shorter dental implants: In some cases, shorter implants may be used without the need for additional bone augmentation. Zygomatic implants: These specialized implants are anchored in the cheekbone, bypassing the need for bone grafting in the upper jaw. Bridgework or dentures: Traditional dental prosthetics can be used to replace missing teeth, but they may not offer the same level of stability and function as implants.
How much do sinus lifting and bone grafting cost?
The cost of sinus lifting and bone grafting varies depending on the individual's needs, the complexity of the procedure, and the chosen materials. In general, these procedures can range in cost from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars.
What should I do to prepare for sinus lifting and bone grafting?
To prepare for sinus lifting and bone grafting, you should: Inform your dentist about your medical history: Share any relevant medical conditions, allergies, or medications you are taking. Quit smoking: Smoking can impair healing and increase the risk of complications. Get a dental checkup and cleaning: Ensure your oral health is optimal before the procedure. Arrange for transportation: You will need someone to drive you home after the procedure. Follow your dentist's instructions: This may include taking antibiotics or avoiding certain foods and activities before the procedure.
What should I expect after sinus lifting and bone grafting?
After sinus lifting and bone grafting, you can expect: Some pain and discomfort: This can be managed with medication. Swelling: Swelling around the eyes, cheeks, and nose for a few days to weeks. Limited jaw movement: Some restrictions on jaw movement for a few days. Stitches: Stitches may be used to close the surgical site, which will need to be removed after a week or two. Diet restrictions: Soft foods and avoiding chewing on the treated side for a few weeks. Follow-up appointments: You will need to visit your dentist for follow-up appointments to monitor the healing process and remove any stitches.
What are the long-term success rates of sinus lifting and bone grafting?
The long-term success rates of sinus lifting and bone grafting are generally high, with success rates of over 90% reported in many studies. However, the success rate can vary depending on individual factors such as bone quality, smoking habits, and overall health.
Are sinus lifting and bone grafting painful?
Local anesthesia is used during sinus lifting and bone grafting to minimize pain during the procedure. Some pain and discomfort may be experienced after the procedure, but this can be managed with medication.
Can sinus lifting and bone grafting be done at the same time?
Yes, sinus lifting and bone grafting can be performed simultaneously in many cases. This can help reduce the overall treatment time and number of surgical procedures.
What are the benefits of dental implants?
Dental implants offer several benefits over traditional dental prosthetics, including: Improved stability and function: Implants provide a more stable and natural-feeling alternative to dentures or bridges. This can improve chewing and speaking abilities and overall quality of life. Preservation of jawbone health: Implants help prevent bone loss and maintain facial structure. When teeth are lost, the jawbone begins to resorb, which can lead to a sunken appearance in the face. Implants help to stimulate the jawbone and prevent this resorption. Enhanced appearance: Implants can restore a natural-looking smile, which can boost confidence and self-esteem. Long-term durability: Implants can last for many years with proper care, making them a cost-effective investment in oral health. Improved oral health: Implants can help to improve overall oral health by preventing gum disease and other dental problems.

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